Validation of PCB Manufacturing Using Automated Optical Inspection

Creating a printed circuit board is a time-consuming process. Many different points in the manufacturing process must be validated before the board may move on to the next phase, from fabrication to assembly. Manual inspections to advanced X-ray analyses are all options for validating your product. Many automated optical inspection systems used to check PCBs are another standard validation approach. The AOI machine for PCB is used in a variety of ways to check various production processes during PCB manufacture. Scanning the board saves time by removing the need for operators to inspect all of the little features on each board. Instead, the operators may concentrate on the systems’ flaws, making the inspection process more efficient and reliable. Although AOI systems have been around for a while, many people are unfamiliar with them and have the following questions: What exactly is it? For automated comparison, automated optical inspection systems use high-resolution cameras with LED...